Friday, October 19, 2012

patrick j miron--!Salvation through 'faith alone' is Paul's teaching as in Rm 2:28 and Jesus' in Mk 16:16 and Jn 3:15, 18.

learn it here

No, dear friend acrually it is NOT!



 for correctly understanding the Bible is that 

Never-Ever may or CAN, one verse or passage make void another part of the Bible

. were this even remotely possible [NOT!] it would make the entire Bible worthless.

So read John 3: 5 and 36

Mt. 17:19

James 2 as examples that contradict you're understanding.

God Bless,


From: Robin <rdnuclearmed@...>
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 7:27 AM
Subject: Re: Catholic Questions Question about Matt. 16:18

j.s said:
Salvation through 'faith alone' is Paul's teaching as in Rm 2:28 and Jesus' in Mk 16:16 and Jn 3:15, 18.
Robin replies:
Rom 2:28 " A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical."
'faith alone"? Where does Paul teach faith alone in Rom 2:28?
j.s said:
Faith is all that's required, and all that works, to receive eternal life. To be born of God. To receive life to start. Without life, there is no possibility to work, or to live for or to Christ. His life. That is. The very life that makes God alive. All that suffices to escape from eternity in the lake of faith.
Robin replies:
Faith is crucial for salvation but if it is alone then that faith is dead. A dead faith will not save you (James 2:26). So good works are also an essential part of the salvation process.
j.s said:
Love is the greatest because faith eventually is replaced by sight, and hope is ultimately realized. But God's very person, His very being, is Love. Eternal Love. Just like He is Eternal Life (Jn 11:25; 14:6).
Robin replies:
I completely agree with this last statement. Well put.
God Bless

On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 4:35 PM, j.s299 <j.s299@...> wrote:

Thank you very much for your question, I think it's excellent, dear Robin.

Your 'reach heaven' terminology or concept is odd to me. In Rv 21:2, the conclusion of the Bible, "the New Jerusalem com[es] down out of heaven, from God, prepared as a Bride adorned for her Husband."
In Heb 12:22-24 by faith one comes to the heavenly Jerusalem. Which is the church. The Body of Christ. In Eph 2 Christ has raised up His believers; by faith into Him we're seated in the heavenlies, with Him. In physical death, His saints (believers) do not go to heaven. The physical resurrection doesn't take place............until it takes place (1 Thes 4:14-18; 2 Tim 2:17-19; Jn 5:28-29---not 24-25).

In any case, love is also needed to 'reach heaven.' If Robin, however accidentally is referring to Christ's rapture or taking away of His resurrected, or living, overcoming believers towards the end of this age. Because love is especially the growth of a believer. Not merely faith. As also in Jm 2. Where believers should love one another, shown in care for one another. But such love is still sourced from God. Not our own natural love. Which is weak and insufficient and sometimes foolish.

Salvation through 'faith alone' is Paul's teaching as in Rm 2:28 and Jesus' in Mk 16:16 and Jn 3:15, 18. Faith is all that's required, and all that works, to receive eternal life. To be born of God. To receive life to start. Without life, there is no possibility to work, or to live for or to Christ. His life. That is. The very life that makes God alive. All that suffices to escape from eternity in the lake of faith. To confuse God's judgment of His believers, His people; with God's judgment of the nonbelievers or final, Great White Throne judgment (Rv 20:11-15) is an illustration of mere 'traditional,' careless reading.

Love is the greatest because faith eventually is replaced by sight, and hope is ultimately realized. But God's very person, His very being, is Love. Eternal Love. Just like He is Eternal Life (Jn 11:25; 14:6).

--- In, Robin <rdnuclearmed@...> wrote:
> "hope, faith and love remain and the greatest of these is..." faith?
> Nope. Love is the greatest.
> If all one needs to reach heaven is faith then why is love greater than
> faith? Salvation through faith alone is an unbiblical teaching.
> God Bless
> Robin

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